My handsome son, Will, made this birdhouse for me. (Permit me to continue to brag - he also played and recorded the first song on my playlist). I went out to take a picture yesterday morning and found this little Mountain bluebird perched on top. I love birds, don't you?
For a SUPER giveway for us birdlovers, you should check out Sandi's blog at Wayside Treasures!
What a darling son to make you such an adorable birdhouse. And, to top it off you got a visit from a little guy? Too much fun! :-)
Wow! Your son is some talent!!!Aren't son's so wonderful!
I love the song that he made for you. That was so sweet of him to make the birdhouse too.
Lee Laurie
How adorable the bird, the birdhouse & song ... what talent you have in your son. TTFN ~ Marydon
Niiiiiicccceee.... love the sound!!
Adorable Bird House. I simply must get one for my visitors here.
Blog son, YOu done good!!
LOL with delight. This is the second blog I have read tonite who had photos of the bluebirds. I love my bluebirds and always feel so honored when they choose our houses to build in. How have you been Melissa and how is your website doing? Happy Wednesday! xo Lynn
Brag away!! That's our right as Mom's and wow....love love love his music!!!!! (and the birdhouse) I could just sit and listen. You should be very proud. My son plays guitar and loves playing for his Mama....I can listen for hours. You are truly blessed, and (giggle) do you have to fight off the girls??? (he resembles Zac Efron to me)
How sweet that your son made the birdhouse for you! BTW, the music is great too:)!
Precious my friend...
Wow! how cool! Thanks for sharing your son and all his wonderful projects!
Hugs, Lisa
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