Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Empty Nest feelings already...My son's first car.

A milestone...my baby boy just got his first car. He'll be off to college in a couple of years, the first major step toward independence. But his Dad and I will know that he was "trained up in the way he should go."


Little Birdie Blessings said...

What a handsome young man, he must be thrilled to have his own car. That's a big milestone. You and your husband look great together Melissa.

I've been through the empty nest, it's not easy, but they leave with the values and moral's you've instilled in them. He'll do fine, and you still have time with him at home.

Thanks for sharing a precious piece of your life. ~ Abby

The Pink Rose Cottage said...

Congratulations to you son! He must be so excited. It's tough seeing them grow up but that's our job. So celebrate a job well done! ((HUGS))


Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

My husband and son are car hunting now...where did the time go?

Christie said...

Hey there girly!
I love your new blog design...just gorgeous!
Congratulations to your son...may God always keep him safe and protect him wherever he goes. I remember when we got our oldest his car...what a fun day that was...it is very fresh in my memories and I think it always will be :) Our babies grow up faster than we can ever imagine don't they? Buying that first car is quite a milestone on this child rearing journey. I wanted to say that You and hubby are a beautiful couple...love that picture of you two and your son...he looks like you both.

It's been such fun catching up with you Melissa and all of the posts I'd missed...I love your blog and will always look forward to seeing what you've been getting into....though I do apologize for not stopping by here sooner. The bottles you made are so pretty and I love seeing what you found recently.
Hope you have a great day sweetie, God Bless you and your family.

Talk to you again soon...
Big hugs,

Unknown said...

It must’ve been exciting for your son to have his first car! What was his reaction after he saw this car? Was he shocked? The car definitely looks good with him, and it looks so sleek! :D

Ernest Houston